Time for a reboot.

Time for a reboot.

This blog has been abused for a while, with it being in risk of abandonment every bloody month. Also it’s getting filled with these kinds of posts. So I decided to take out the trash, by throwing out the pointless crappy posts and that particular irrationally stupid rant. I’m also getting rid of my idea to do regular reviews, now I’ll do them whenever the heck I want to. My focus will change towards my beginnings of learning to program, talking about projects I will be under development of, game jams, and maybe the occasional rant or blabber about some tech or life related thing. I might also make an overview of my usage of Ubuntu GNOME 15.10, which has been my release I’ve been using for the past week and more, about 2 weeks. No promises, though. ;)


I’m also going to announce my itch.io page and savannah pages soon. You can probably look them up now anyways, but they aren’t ready yet. :P

Hopefully this blog will be on full throttle soon. See ya! :D